Friday, July 26, 2013

Character Design Style I have loved for years

                                   I don't know why but I just love these kinda character designs.

Arma from Sacred Seven

Justimon from Digimon Season 3

There are little things on these designs that inspire the crap out of me and maybe a source of alot of things that I subconsciously draw on my own characters.

Their helmets have this appealing shape that I cannot describe but that draws me to their design EVERY time.

That hawk like downward sharp angle that sometimes covers their eyes or nose.

Or cover only the eyebrow for some mean mug badassery

Just to add to the family, here's another character design that is also a great example of this.

Zero from Megaman-Zero

Also on the design these characters have these awesome ear like protrusions from their helmets that always drives me nuts with excitement!

Welcome to the family again Zero

Justimon and Arma share this similar torso design.
Where the chest and abdominal are isolated with a a lighter color than the rest of the body.
It reminds me of the light underbelly of a cartoon dinosaur. It's just gets me everytime. It's awesome.

Wristbands. Something about wrist bands are awesome
The big clunk on the arm right before it meets the hand. Ahhh....refresing.

Just the way The arm slides down into a stopping clunk around the wrist. That hard stop is interesting to me and the way it continues down into the fist.

And finally
That scarf. We have all seen this on plenty of characters, even though it may slightly reach into the cliches of anime character design. It's still freakin awesome. It's like Japan's verison of superman's red cape, just more badass.

And the way it takes a huge shape and clunkily surrounds the neck, an awesome trademark of the anime red scarf. much on the menu today


I'll be busy for awhile. Until next time guys.

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